Red Light Therapy’s Benefits on the Mood
Red Light Therapy's benefits have been proven through many studies that have been conducted. The lack of natural light impacts every cell and all body activity. Human beings were created to be able to utilize sunlight to ensure optimal health. Healthy light is vital to the functioning of every cell, and a deficiency of light can result in chronic disease. Insufficient sunlight is known... -
World Thank You Day
Today is World Thank You Day. You probably know what it means... We tend to express our gratitude to others when we feel that we owe them something, when we have gained from their efforts, and when we would like to share our feelings about them. Sometimes demonstrating gratitude is an "obligation" or an "expectation," but sometimes it's just a spontaneous "thank you" to... -
How do you stay healthy during the holidays?
Dinners, parties, gatherings, HOLIDAYS are around the corner! Whether it is Christmas, Hanukkah, or New Year’s, this period of the year is known to be rich in gatherings with food and beverages filling the table! How can one be healthy during the holidays? For many years this is a question we all ask ourselves at this time of the year… Let’s break down this... -
Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder (BD) is a mood disorder marked by a combination of episodes of depressed and elevated mood. It usually appears in the late teen years or early twenties. During the depressive episodes, individuals present low mood, lack of self-confidence, feelings of hopelessness, and disturbances in sleep and appetite. On the other hand, manic episodes are characterized by euphoria, increased energy, irritability and rapid... -
Epilepsy PBM
Epilepsy is a very common condition, to be more specific, the fourth most common when it comes to neurological disorders. It affects the brain and is the cause of recurring seizure. Seizures are a wide range of bursts of electrical activity in the brain that momentarily affects its functions. A variety of symptoms can come along with the seizures. Around 2.6 million adults had...
Nushape vs. Competition
Nushape exists to develop top-tier, industry-leading LED light therapy devices for photobiomodulation. Implementation of specific wavelengths of LED light can effectively enhance bodily processes by improving mitochondrial health, ATP production; ultimately aiding the cellular ability to work faster, stronger.