Nushape Red Light Therapy - Which Wavelength?We get a lot of questions about which wavelengths are resposible for which types of healing or benefits.

Here in a nutshell are the primary difference between the wavelengths used in our wraps and most of the studies and trials happening in the world of light therapy.

850nm and 660nm waves. These have been proven to: stimulate acupuncture points, increase blood circulation and help with antioxidant enzyme release. Phototherapy in this spectrum also promotes muscle relaxation and generally facilitates pain reduction, stimulates fibroblast and collagen production, increases lymphatic drainage, and reduces swelling, inflammation and bruising- bringing relief to athletes, sufferers of arthritis, and those with chronic pain.

635nm waves. What Nushape has done is build on the research of Rodrigo Neira, M.D. and Clara Ortiz-Neira, M.D. In 2001 they demonstrated that a 635nm laser that was held 6 to 8 inches from the skin could emulsify deep fat (6cm) and break up the appearance of scar tissue. These 635nm waves have recently been approved for "circumferential inch loss" by the FDA (or "slimming" as a result of releasing toxins from fat cells).

Specifically the difference between 660 and 850 waves would be the 660nm range is the best option for surface healing- superficial scar tissue, burns, cosmetic issues, skin conditions, and other non-structural issues. Because some of the energy in this wavelength is transferred in the blood stream (but not hemoglobin), this wavelength can also be used to treat more complex problem where the exact treatment location might be unknown.

The energy can flow through the body and interact with damaged cells in many parts of the body operating more like a vitamin that goes where it needs to go. This wavelength is also best for treating the lymph system and acupuncture points. Whereas studies show near-infrared wavelengths in the 850 nm or 880 nm range penetrate deeper through skin and bone for relief of chronic pain.

As with red light therapy, near infrared light therapy does not mask the symptoms of pain, it encourages the healing of the actual cause of the pain. Once absorbed, the light energy kicks off a whole series of metabolic events, stimulating the body’s natural processes on a cellular level. There is an increase in blood flow, allowing the parts of the body to receive the oxygen and nutrients they need in order to function more effectively. Regeneration is stimulated. Inflammation and pain are reduced.

In many cases, after a course of treatment with infrared light, the pain is gone for good.

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